

A系列补最近CARB-X高达$ 8,9万美元的赠款

Labege的,法国,2017年10月16日/美通社B3C / -金宝搏官网mgAntabio SAS, a biopharmaceutical company developing novel antibacterial treatments in areas of highest unmet needs, announced today the completion of a €7.3M series A financing with subscriptions from investment funds iXO Private Equity, IRDI SORIDEC Gestion, Galia Gestion and from the company’s historical investors including former President of OM Pharma Christophe Ricard.

The funding will be used to accelerate the development, up to completion of Phase 1 clinical trials, of Antabio’s novel inhibitor of bacterial metallo ß-lactamases (“MBLIs”) which will be combined with a carbapenem to fill an important gap in the treatment of drug-resistant infections. This financing complements the recent CARB-X grant of up to $8,9 million awarded to Antabio in July 2017 to support the company’s Elastase Inhibitor program (PEI) for the treatment of chronic假单胞菌感染的囊性纤维化患者。

“我们非常高兴地欢迎IXO私募股权,IRDI Soridec和加利亚GESTION到Antabio,我们通过继续兑现我们的历史投资者的固体载体”马克说LEMONNIER,Antabio的CEO。“这种新的融资,加上最近从CARB-X收到的非稀释资金,将推动Antabio的创新方案进入临床研究,从而加快我们开发新的方法,以引起世卫组织重点病原体治疗感染”。

“我们主动与Antabio队这次合作有很多的热情”说让 - 米歇尔·佩蒂特,投资总监IRDI Soridec GESTION。“除了引人注目的医疗需求,我们留下了深刻印象与团队的专业和Antabio制定的方案,这些方案已经获得全球性组织,如威康信托基金会和CARB-X的支持的质量”。

IXO PE是最重要的独立区域的私募股权合伙人在法国通过收购和发展事务,致力于小型和中小盘。公司经营各种法国将军私募股权投资基金(在法国被称为FPCI)内超过€610米资产,当地私募股权投资基金(在法国被称为FIP)和私募股权投资基金的创新(FCPI),涵盖范围广泛从€2μm至每个项目€15米投资。总部设在图卢兹,马赛和里昂,IXO私募股权投资能够满足以创造,发展和手从对面他的3种投资类型下来的小型和中型股公司的所有融资需求:创业投资,创业投资,LBO / OBO / MBO。四个伙伴负责在西南和东南法国罗纳 188体育手机版- 阿尔卑斯大区一个特定的地理区域。

创建于35年前,IRDI SORIDEC GESTION是法国领先的区域性资本投资公司,管理200多万€之一。它的常绿结构赋予了随着时间的推移其IRDI长寿。其股东是主要参与者包括Bpifrance的Occitanie和中篇小说 - 阿基坦地区,储蓄银行德储蓄银行南比利牛斯时,大众银行集团,LCL - 法国农业信贷银行,法国电力公司,总开发区域和伊奥尼斯。IRDI SORIDEC GESTION投资,支持创新型企业,位于法国西南部。它管理专业种子多部门基金,风险投资,并购或成长型股权投资高达1000万€每家公司。

加利亚GESTION是投资于总部设在法国西南公司。加利亚GESTION投资300 K€高达4米€在创业,成长和LBO操作。自2002年以来加利亚GESTION已筹得超过150米€。188bet体育滚球联系方式:皮埃尔阿尔诺 -此邮件地址受spam bots保护。您必须启用浏览它。

Antabio是一家私营生物制药公司开发新的抗菌性断路器治疗耐药菌感染的最高未满足的医疗需求领域。Two of Antabio’s programs have received Wellcome Trust Seeding Drug Discovery Awards to date: [i] a novel, safe and efficacious inhibitor of bacterial metallo ß-lactamases to be combined with a carbapenem for the treatment of drug-resistant nosocomial infections and [ii] a first-in-class inhibitor of Pseudomonas virulence to be co-administered with standard-of-care antibiotics for the long-term management of chronic respiratory infections. This second program has recently received up to $8.9 million funding from the Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Biopharmaceutical Accelerator (CARB-X). The company’s lead product is expected to enter the clinic in 2019 with a fast track to anticipated marketing approval by 2021. Antabio has built a best in class, international team of experts in the field to progress its pipeline. The Company is in the process of acquiring additional assets focused on Gram-negative antibiotic resistant therapies.


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